Cheryl Passer Design specializes in graphic design, web design/development/ hosting, and brand development for businesses and budgets of all shapes and sizes.
You are unique. Your business is unique. A professionally designed logo is an integral part of any branding strategy and will help set you apart from the competition.
C U S T O M W E B D E S I G N & D E V E L O P M E N T
A website is an indispensable means of communication and information in today’s world... A well-designed, properly coded, search-engine-friendly website will help you stand out from the rest.
P R I N T E D & P R O M O T I O N A L M A T E R I A L S
Creating a printed piece can be relatively simple—the trick is making an impression. A beautiful design must go hand-in-hand with a clear message and a call to action.
Being creative types, there are many other custom services we can provide, such as birthday or wedding invitations, party invites and favors, holiday photo cards, and more!